I believe that by now, we may have all heard about #Covid19 or #CoronaVirus and what it can do?
We should know it is disabling, deadly and a proven #killer.
Despite all of this, the first hint of sunshine and freedom after #lockdown sends masses of people into worrying situations.
I saw the footage on the news about pubs opening and the numbers of infected people unsurprisingly rising and I #despair.
I feel for these people.
We have all been #imprisoned in our homes for months, summer is here and the temptation is very real however, we need to maintain social distancing and remain vigilant.
Instead, the #floodgates were opened and there are people who have been given #mixedmessages, exposing themselves to the virus and the harm it causes.
Its scary shit!
Top this with what is happening in Brazil and '#TrumpTown, USA' = Disaster.
This is all mega-worrying and I for one, will try my damnedest to ensure that we as a family, are safe and sound. So no pub or restaurant visits for me as yet.
We have just been to our caravan on the coast for the weekend after nearly 8 months...lockdown extension included. We would have had a number of stays in it, especially as its our escape, our little retreat to the coast.
I have still not been in a shop this side of March 23rd ... Great in many ways but its also sad
Are we going to find any surprises?
I very much doubt it..!
I look forward to reading your views.
Stay safe